Current Research Competition

FY2026-2028 UOG  Sea Grant RFP is now open!

Full Proposals Due: Friday, February 28, 2025 by 5:00 p.m. ChST

Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered.

The University of Guam Sea Grant Institutional Program (UOGSG) requests proposals to fund research in Guam, CNMI and the Freely Associated States for two-year projects. Projects should be directly relevant to the goals of the UOGSG Strategic Plan (2024-2027) (contact for more information). Research projects within this region focused in these areas will be considered:

1) Healthy coastal ecosystems

2) Sustainable  fisheries and aquaculture

3) Resilient communities and economies

4) Environmental literacy and workforce development

Researchers in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) at institutions of higher education and organizations or agencies that conduct research in Guam and CNMI are eligible to respond to this RFP.

Funding, pending availability, begins February 1, 2026, and ends January 31, 2028

UOGSG anticipates funding 6-7 projects. 

UOG Sea Grant has increased our Core RFP funding this year, welcoming proposals up to $60,000 annually, for a total of $120,000 over a two-year period.


If you have any questions regarding proposal preparation, please contact our Research Coordinator, Dr. Brett Taylor, via email at

Important note for Principal Investigators  (PIs)

•  Funding of all proposals is contingent upon UOGSG’s allocation from NOAA in the FY2026 and FY2027 federal budgets. Modification in the number of and funding for individual proposals may be made based upon the final program budget.

•  PIs must provide a strong rationale for how their proposed research will affect policy and/or management decisions and how that information will be communicated outside of academia. UOGSG staff can assist with these efforts.

•  A Data Management and Sharing Plan and abbreviated environmental compliance questionnaire is required in the full proposal. PIs should consider data management funding needs as they develop their budgets, and understand their role and responsibility in obtaining all necessary permits prior to commencing field work.

•  Applicants outside of Guam may require a contract to disburse funds. This carries a 4% tax that should be incorporated into the project budget. 

• Access eSeagrant below to create an account and submit your proposal.


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