The University of Guam Center for Island Sustainability and Sea Grant (UOG CIS & SG) have unveiled the 2025 Tide Chart and Guam Grower’s Calendars. These resources provide information for the island community, and focus on sustainable fishing and agriculture, as means to address food security on the island.
The Tide Chart Calendar features daily tide predictions for Guam, including high and low tides, sunrise and sunset times, and moon phases. This information is essential for recreational activities such as fishing, boating, and beachgoing.
The Guam Grower’s Calendar provides essential information for local farmers and gardeners. It includes planting and harvesting guides for various crops based on the lunar cycle and traditional Chamorro agricultural knowledge. The calendar also features information on pest and disease management, soil health, and water conservation.
“One of the best things we can do as an island is build the knowledge base of our people, especially young people,” said Lt. Governor Joshua Tenorio. “CIS and G3 were able to marshall up the knowledge we have at the university and provide new platforms and methods for people to learn about our natural environment and all the resources we have.”
UOG Senior Vice President and Provost Sharleen Santos-Bamba Ph.D., touched on how outreach publications such as the two calendars bring the University’s reach beyond campus borders.
“The UOG Center for Island Sustainability and Sea Grant for several years have increased our footprint on the island with various programs. People come and they go and there is constant movement,” said Bamba. “While people may leave, what we need to recognize is that they bring that experience and information with them, and where did they get it? At the University of Guam.”
“I always mention sustainability is about our future, and this is a great way to continue thinking about our future, with our 2025 calendars,” said Austin Shelton Ph.D., director of UOG CIS & SG. “Thank you to all the fishers that have submitted pictures of your wonderful catches so that they can inspire all of us to go out there and know what it is we are protecting and conserving so we can continue to feed our families.”
Shelton also thanked Guahan Sustainable Culture (GSC) for the programming they provide to the community at the helm of the G3 Community Gardens and through their various workshops and classes held throughout the island.
Michelle Crisostomo, co-founder and president of GSC, was excited for the third edition of the Grower’s Calendar, a partnership project between GSC and UOG CIS & SG. She said, “I’m proud that this calendar continues to serve as a valuable resource for the community to be more self-sufficient and to help them grow their own food.”
The Guam Grower’s Calendars will be available for free at the Guam Green Growth Circular Economy Makerspace and Innovation Hub at CHamoru Village, and via Guahan Sustainable Culture. The free Guam Tide Chart Calendars will also be available at the Hub and at fishing supply and tackle shops throughout the island starting Friday.
The Calendars are produced with thanks to UOG CIS & SG, Guam NSF EPSCoR, Guahan Sustainable Culture, the Office of the Governor and Guam Green Growth.
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303 University Drive UOG Station | Mangilao, Guam 96913
Phone: (671)735-5631