The University of Guam Center for Island Sustainability and Sea Grant is continuing its Guihan for Guahan project, a collaborative effort with local fishers to monitor the health of Guam’s reefs.
Launched in February 2023, the project collects long-term data on fish catches to assess reef diversity and overall health. By working closely with fishers, researchers gather information on fish size, species and abundance.
The data collected will inform the Fisheries Management Plan and help shape future policies to protect Guam’s marine resources.
“By working directly with fishers, we can better understand their needs and concerns while also collecting crucial data,” said Leilani Sablan, a marine biologist leading the project.
Through outreach and education, the project also seeks to empower fishers with knowledge about marine conservation and the importance of sustainable fishing practices.
“This collaboration is essential for the success of the project and the long-term sustainability of our marine ecosystem,” added Sablan.
The project is funded through the Sea Grant Omnibus.
Fishers are encouraged to share their catch data with program associates, who can be reached via email at or via the project’s Instagram page @guam_fish today.
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